We’ve said this event will be a bit of a reunion. It’s been three years since we’ve gathered as a community. So, we’ve invited back some of our favorite people from past national conferences and also engaged some new faces. We’re anticipating that God wants to use these friends to teach and inspire us. Please pray for our general session team.
Bryan Loritts (D.Min, Liberty University) is the Teaching Pastor at The Summit Church. An award-winning author of seven books, Dr. Loritts has spent the bulk of his ministry serving and resourcing the multiethnic church. He co-founded Fellowship Memphis in 2003, and serves as the President of The Kainos Movement, an organization committed to seeing the multiethnic church become the new normal. His ministry takes him across the globe annually as he speaks at conferences, churches and retreats. Bryan has been a featured speaker for Catalyst, and the Global Leadership Summit. Currently, he serves on the boards of Biola University and is a regular visiting professor at Grimke Seminary. He is the husband of Korie, and the father of Quentin, Myles and Jaden.